

Rosemary is an aromatic plant used both to add flavor and aroma to dishes, as well as to take advantage of its medicinal benefits. Rosemary has a strong scent and a spicy flavor that pairs well with meats, fish, sauces, salads, and beverages. Additionally, it possesses digestive, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, circulatory, and immune-boosting properties, making it an excellent ally for health.

Some of the ways to use rosemary in cooking include:

Infusing oil, butter, or honey with rosemary branches or leaves, which can then be used for cooking, baking, or seasoning.
Adding fresh or dried rosemary to marinades, sauces, or dressings for meats, fish, or pasta.
Preparing infusions, lemonades, or cocktails with rosemary, which not only refresh but also aid digestion and relieve stress.
Making bread, cookies, or cakes with rosemary, adding a special and aromatic touch.
Rosemary infusions are consumed to improve digestion, alleviate gas, stimulate appetite, and combat fatigue. Inhaling steam from water with rosemary or using an aroma diffuser with rosemary oil can prevent and treat colds, coughs, asthma, and sinusitis.

Thus, this wonderful plant can always be on hand, not only perfuming the environment but also repelling insects and improving mood.


07 March 2024

